This film explores Vanarsky’s universe, its work and performances, where humour is masterfully juxtaposed with a philosophy of existence and considerations of art that give the spectators a breath of fresh air and nicely matches the imaginative fancy of the artist. Film in French with English sub-titles (version in Spanish also available).
Les sept extraits vidéos suivants font partie du film
voir l'article correspondant : Personnages et Corps
voir l'article correspondant : Corniches
see article (in french) : La Chambre de Kafka
Video of the moving book sculpture Les Pensées de Pascal (Thoughts by Pascal) of Jack Vanarsky, filmed by Minou Maguna for PROA, Buenos Aires. The video was part of a live performance by Garth Knox as a homage to Vanarsky and his work (PROA, 2009)..
See also :
Short documentary about Livremonde, the symbol-sculpture of the French Pavilion at the Universal Exhibition of Seville in 1992. Jack Vanarsky explains the work, the different pages of the sculpture-book and its epigraphic, icononographic and literary references. French version.
see article (in french) : Livremonde
1999 GUSTAVO Kortsarz / jack Vanarky
Film d'animación 2D/3D. durée: 10' 24''
Realización : Gustavo Kortsarz, à partir de l'oeuvre de et en collaboration avec Jack Vanarsky
Produit par Le Métafort, avec l'appui de Art 3000
Producteur exécutif : Charles Elfassi
Truquiste : Laurent Barsali
Montage : Antoine Fournier
Musique : Garth Knox